The Enneagram is a dynamic personality model that differentiates nine personality types based not on what we do or how we do it, but on why we do, and think, and feel the way we do. Each of the nine personality types has a distinct pattern of thinking, feeling and experiencing.


enneagram core values graphic.jpg

The Enneagram helps us recognize our

core values, motivations, blind spots, fears, and coping mechanisms

and helps us understand how these underlying factors shape our perceptions, communications, and interactions. It also helps us understand the unique values, motivations, and perspectives of others. (Life is Like the Game of Baseball Blog)

 The Enneagram

increases awareness and compassion for yourself and others,

improves communication, connection, and trust, and

fosters collaboration and transformational growth.

"Going through the process of taking and processing the Enneagram has been so impactful on my life and leadership.  It's made me aware of the things that I contribute to my work, relationships, and personal well-being. It has also allowed me to name and better pay attention to patterns I fall into under stress.  Being able to move through this learning experience with others has increased our sense of team and has allowed us to see the contributions we uniquely bring.  I'm grateful for Karen's clear and instinctive leadership to engage this transformational tool."
Colleen Nelson

Assessments and Coaching

Enneagram assessments and coaching can be included in individual or group coaching or through separate workshops.

Part 1 – Discover

Introduction to the Enneagram Personality Model

Nine Personality Type

Centers of Intelligence

Online Enneagram assessment and coaching to determine your type. 

Part 2 – Embrace -

Personality Types in Community




Part 3 – Grow

Personal Growth

Developing Strengths

Addressing Blind Spots

Deepening Awareness - Sub Types

Expanding Choice - Wings and Arrows

Creating a Personal Growth Plan

Interested in Enneagram assessments and coaching?